Free Taxation Consultation

Before actually hiring our team of tax

optimization experts, contact us for a free

consultation with us! It will allow you estimate

how much per year can you or your business save on taxes!

Simply choose the topic for a consultation in the form below…

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Q: Ask Questions ?

A:  We believe in provoking questions and ENCOURAGING ideas.

Q: Offer Solutions ?

A:  We help make sense of your problems and offer CLEAR solutions.

Q: Simplify Accountancy ?

A:  We STREAMLINE your accounts with easy to access tools.

Q: My business did not make enough profit this year, can I still take dividends out of my limited company?

A: Dividend by its nature is a distribution of available profits and one of the ways to extract money out of your limited company. You can take dividends out of your company’s available profits but if you take too much (more than the available) than it’s illegal and considered as a loan to you by HMRC and will be subject to taxation.

Q: We need an accountant. Will We get value for money by hiring you as an accountant?

A: We deliver our services with a focus on efficiency and effectiveness, so we are confident that we will offer you real Value for Money (VFM) which also means you can save time and money in the long run.