Despite the fact that any given individual or a business owner surely want to minimize their taxation that they pay, not everyone can…
Sometimes, not every one of them wants to spend the time and energy to invest in researching and structuring their business affairs to optimize their tax obligations.
So throughout the years that we’ve been consulting people and businesses on taxation optimization, we’ve always been developing a thorough approach to tax planning.
That means focusing on the following key elements:
- Developing a tax strategy – Since each business, shareholder, family, and entrepreneur has a unique financial and strategical situations and objectives, we must develop an equally unique planning strategy based on specific business and ownership goals
- Implementing the appropriate management – Assembling a plan and tactics is only one step in a tax optimization strategy; you need the proper administration and systems in place to support, operate, track, process and follow through
- Monitoring and altering – No plan is made once and forever, so as your business evolves, so should your tax strategies
There are several key considerations and problems we see on a regular basis when providing tax strategy, planning, and ongoing tax support. This includes:
Initial tax structures must have sufficient flexibility to accommodate unforeseen circumstances, such as economic downturns, unexpected sale opportunities, and family changes
- An initial plan that works for one set of circumstances can be costly to change for new situations or even create unnecessary and unexpected tax liabilities
- Tax legislation is unclear and all tax plans involve a certain amount of risk; therefore, it is critical that business owners keep their unique risk levels
- Optimizing the tax function is an important objective for any organization – no matter how big or small. A proactive approach to developing a tax strategy will help prepare your business for long-term success.